I’m sure you’ve already seen Derek’s Anna Banana Song via PLDT myDSL TVC and youtube. It’s actually cute that he’s brave enough to show his affection for Anna to the public. Watch it here.
After several months, Anna replied with a video dumping Derek! Poor boy! Watch Anna’s rejection video here.
Good thing Derek has a strong support system, his family. His little sister is so sweet, trying to help Derek find his new “Anna” just to cheer him up.
You too, can help Derek. If you or you know a girl aged 12-16, upload a video of yourself showing how much you like Derek and why you should be his new Anna at www.dereksnewanna.com. You may also upload your videos at the following on-ground uploading stations:
Robinson’s Ermita – September 1 & 2
SM Megamall – September 8 & 9
Lucky winner will be part of the next PLDT myDSL commercial and will take home a new Samsung Ultrabook!
I’m excited to see how this turns out. So what are you waiting for? Join now.